Yes to the commenters who suspect prenatal depression. This is a real, common, and very painful phenomenon.
I would be worried if you had romanticized fantasies about motherhood and found out too late how hard it is.
This way, your attitudes are grounded in reality AND you will be prepared for the hard times but you will ALSO be surprised by the good times and the love you will feel for him.
Now, an anecdote.
A coworker of mine got pregnant with her first child unexpectedly and yes, she was very unhappy.
Then, she had a ultrasound. The baby's hand opened and closed and my coworker said, "Our baby's waving at us." At that moment, all her maternal love kicked in.
Yes, pregnancy and delivery were hard for her But I heard her singing the eensy weenssy spider to her son and knew she loved him.
My earnest hope is that you will have a similar experience.