white people “discovered” America, vegetarianism, Yoga and everything else in between, while simultaneously seeking to sanitize the violence, rape and genocide which accompanied the colonial conquest of India, the United States, Nigeria, South Africa and other parts of the world, in which people of colour are the majority.
Many of her statements are factually incorrect.
While I have heard white people claim that they discovered America, I have NEVER heard white people claim they discovered vegetarianism or yoga. Where does this woman get this stuff?
In a world with over a billion white people, no doubt some people have said things like this but such people are outliers, not the mainstream.
As for sanitizing the colonial conquest of non-Western countries, I am currently reading a critical edition of Heart of Darkness that includes lots of essays written mostly by white people who in fact discuss the brutal European actions in what was then called the Belgium Congo and what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
And post-colonial theory is a recognized category of literary criticism. I don't know who originated this system but many white people do critique literature using it.
This doctor is highly educated. How can she not know this?