Very often, a mother's boyfriend is left alone with the children because a boyfriend can be a convenient babysitter while Mom goes to the store, attends night classes, or whatever.
Such a situation would give a man access to a child with no parents or guardians present. This tactic works especially well if the intended victim is an only child or at least has a room of her own.
If he is smart, he will groom the child slowly and disguise his abuse as help--with bathing, dressing, etc even if the child is too old to need that help.
That's what I think it would look like.
Or, he could pull a Jerry Sandusky and start a charity to help troubled youth.
I don't think Allen ever did anything like that.
My argument is *not* that Allen is innocent but that there is not enough evidence to conclude that he is guilty. In a just society, the presumption of innocence should hold.
On the other hand, there is something about Woody Allen that rubs me the wrong way and always has, even before the Soon Yi scandal and the abuse charges.