Thank you. I have long maintained that the horror about Trump rests on underestimating the crimes of the Clintons, Obama, and Biden.
Did you hate the separation of families at the border? Well, the Iraq war and the violence it spawned created 800,000 orphans who are permanently separated from their parents. And the US backed Saudi war against Yemen created tens of thousands of orphans. That war began under Biden and continued under Trump.
Note, I am not saying these worse actions makes Trump's family separation okay. They do not. Rather, I am pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of the press. They are silent on these much greater crimes.
Biden is decent? He wrote the 1994 crime bill that imposed cruelly long sentences on mostly African American defendants for non-violent drug crimes. Children were separated from their parents for two decades, sometimes.
Clinton, as First Lady, joined in the super predator rhetoric.
Yes, Biden and Clinton mouth all the right anti-racist and progressive clichés but their policies have been cruel and racist.
I was shocked to see Van Jones, a journalist I respect, shed tears, calling Biden's election a return to decency. How can he be blind to everything Biden has done?
Obama ramped up drone strikes and targeted killings, which Trump continued.
No, no one is a hero here. Of the lot, I like Obama the best. Then Trump. Clinton and Biden, not at all.