One aspect of Markle's treatment that has always bothered me was the press's willingness to publish defamatory statements by her white half-siblings and only providing information about the siblings' character in the middle or end of the article while their sensational claims are the *headline.*
The half-brother has an arrest record, including one for violence against women. The half-sister is estranged from at least one of her children and that child, a young adult daughter, sides with Meghan Markle and says her mother is pathetically jealous of Markle.
Then, they complain about not being invited to the wedding.
While the British tabloids are nasty, I can't imagine the tabloids reporting on Kate Middleton that way. If they did, they would question the accuser's character earlier than at the midpoint or endpoint of the article.
I don't know if the motivation was racism, but it sure looks like it.