I had never heard of this woman before I started reading Medium and have no idea what she is like overall.
I agree with you that Hollis's focus on toilets is beyond odd and don't see why she wants to focus on that particular task instead of just saying, "I hire someone to clean my house."
When women enter the workforce, they often have TWO jobs, their employment and running the house, as women still do most of it.
Therefore, I do not see the problem with a woman hiring someone to clean her house so that she can do ONE job like a man instead of two jobs.
If a man had hired a housecleaner, would this even be an issue? I have never once heard of a specific male celebrity being criticized either for having a housekeeper or for expecting his wife to do all these jobs, even when she works fulltime outside the home. WHY THE DOUBLE STANDARD?
As for the racial angle, my guess is that Oprah and Michelle Obama both have housecleaners and do not clean their own toilets.
Based on what you have quoted of her, Rachel Hollis sounds like a complete airhead without a serious thought in her head. I wonder why anyone thinks she deserves attention at all.