Here is a contrasting view that does not apply to all Trump voters but applies to many.
In watching Trump rallies, one line gets *huge* applause and he uses it in every rally I have seen--he promises not to spend America's blood and treasure on no-win wars.
There are, depending on whose studies you read, at least 6.4 and as many as 8.2 million Obama-Trump voters. Did people who voted for an African AMerican man suddenly turn into haters ?
Two political scientists, Kriner and Shen, found that those counties that flipped from Obama to Trump had higher than average casualty rates in the Iraq war.
About 23% of Tulsi Gabbard voters in the primaries were Democratic men who had crossed party lines to vote for Trump in 2016. Did men who voted for a woman of color vote for Trump out of hatred?
It is really easy to label people you disagree with as haters instead of trying to understand their deeper motives.
In America, war means sending low-income Americans of all races to kill brown people in the Middle East.
People who oppose killing are not necessarily haters. It is just that Trump is their best choice because Hillary Clinton is a dyed-in-the-wool warmonger and Biden is only a little less bad.
In contrast, Trump delivers a clear antiwar message.