Childless Sociopaths? Really?

Jessica Ramer
3 min readAug 23, 2021


J.D. Vance continues his diatribes against childless persons — especially if they are liberal female politicians.

It sounds like this Yale Law School graduate does not want to debate Kamala Harris or Alexandra Ocasio Cortez on the issues, so he resorts to ad-hominem attacks.

Below is the full, unaltered text of one of Vance’s campaign emails. Notice the total lack of specific policy proposals or reasoned arguments. At least he’s no longer using the childless cat lady trope.

The longer he continues this campaign theme — it is at least the seventh campaign email I have received that harps on childlessness and the second mentioning “childless sociopaths” yet NONE of these emails contains any specific policy proposals.

Over 1300 American servicemen have suffered genital injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many are presumably infertile. Does he seriously argue that because they have no children that they should have a lesser voice in determining the future of this country, even though they have sacrificed far more for it than Vance has? He spent his deployment in Iraq talking to the press.


Did you see me on FOX Primetime recently?

I needed to speak DIRECTLY to patriots like you about the serious issue of radical childless leaders in this country.

We can’t have people who don’t have a direct stake in this country making our most important decisions, Jessica.

We’ve allowed ourselves to be dominated by childless sociopaths — they’re invested in NOTHING because they’re not invested in this country’s children.

Fighting back won’t be easy — our childless opponents have a lot of free time. That’s why I need YOU to stand with me.

Please chip in ANY AMOUNT in the next HOUR to stand with me as I fight for America’s children. >>

CHIP IN $250 >>

CHIP IN $100 >>

CHIP IN $50 >>

CHIP IN $25 >>


The Childless Democrats in Washington, DC care more about their housekeeper than they do about the safety of American children. So why are we letting them run our country?

I know that patriots, like YOU, have your priorities straight and will join me in the fight for the future of America’s children, Jessica.

Please chip in ANY AMOUNT in the next HOUR to help fight for a strong, more prosperous America.

Thank you,

JD Vance
Candidate for Senator of Ohio




Jessica Ramer

I have spent most of my adult life teaching and tutoring algebra but have recently made a late-life career switch and have earned a PhD in English.