A couple of points:
1. She pointed out that the leash-free dog park was closed because of COVID, I guess. This is Christian's account. Under these special circumstances, he could have given her a break since she had no other safe option.
Why, with COVID lockdowns could he not have been a little more tolerant?
2. The video shows that she was ALONE in the park with a large man and that he tried to separate her from her dog. If some stranger tried to separate me from my dog, I would have been upset, too.
3. She had no idea what was in the dog treats.
4. According to Christian's own account, she did not get racial until he started recording her. In today's world, that is a threat of social ruin. She reacted in EXACTLY the wrong way. There was no excuse for that whatsoever. However, she was polite until then.
5. For a brief minute she did move toward him but then is shown clearly upset and backing away from him.
6. I did not know until I read this letter than Christian had intimidated other dog walkers, including an African American man.
7. Why did the media run with one man's narrative without even attempting to see the other side?